SIRE PhD Masterclasses

UPDATE: SIRE has received a great number of applications for events including PhD training. As a result we no longer accept proposals for funding this type of activity.

We have funds that will allow us to continue funding training events. One of the valuable activities which SIRE has been increasingly supporting is the provision of PhD Masterclasses. 

However we want to ensure that these Masterclasses are as well targeted as possible at the needs of PhD students and early career researchers.  So we would welcome suggestions from you as to what areas you would like to see covered over the next 6 months.  These topics should be of interest to researchers across a number of Scottish universities. 

The Masterclasses can be given by academics from within Scotland or from outside Scotland (or both) and it would be useful if you could accompany your suggestions about possible fields with suggestions as to the people you think might be most suitable for conducting them. 
In order to put together a programme for at least the forthcoming academic year, it would be very helpful if we could have suggestions by the end of October 2015

Suggestions can be e-mailed to

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

David Ulph, Director

Stuart Sayer, Executive Director