SIRE has an open membership policy consistent with its aim to enhance the quality of Economics research throughout Scotland. Established leading researchers within each of SIRE’s three research programmes are identified in the summaries of research themes found in the “Research Programmes” section. The membership of key committees in the SIRE governance structure (the Governing Board, The Executive, and the International Advisory Board) is listed below.
A major part of the SIRE investment is the appointment of new high quality Economics researchers, to strengthen and deepen the research base within Scotland. This is an ongoing process.
The Governing Board
The formal Governing Board of SIRE comprises the Principals (or their authorised delegates, normally Vice-Principals) of the participating Universities.
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, which reports to the Governing Board, takes more direct responsibility for articulating and driving the research strategy of SIRE and oversees the management of SIRE activities and programmes. The membership of the Executive Committee comprises:
SIRE Director Organisation: Email: |
SIRE Executive Director Organisation: Email: |
Director of the Behaviour, Incentives and Contracts Programme Organisation: Email: |
Director of the Work and Well-being Programme Organisation: Email: |
Director of the Macroeconomics, Financial Linkages and the Regions Programme Organisation: Email: |
Director Organisation: SGPE Email: |
Previous members of the SIRE Executive
Previous SIRE Director: Prof. John Hardman Moore
Profile, University of Edinburgh |
Previous Director of the Work and Well-being Programme: Prof. Martin Chalkley
Profile, University of York |
Previous Director of the Behaviour, Incentives and Contracts Programme: Prof. József Sákovics
Profile, University of Edinburgh |
Previous Director of the SGPE PhD Programme: Prof. Mark Schaffer
Profile, Heriot Watt University |
Previous Director of Macroeconomics, Financial Linkages and the Regions: Prof. Gabriel Talmain
Profile, University of Glasgow |
Previous Director of Macroeconomics, Financial Linkages and the Regions: Prof. Ronald MacDonald
Profile, University of Glasgow |
The International Advisory Board
The Executive Committee and Governing Board will receive advice and guidance on SIRE appointments, activities and strategic direction from the International Advisory Board (IAB). The IAB comprises nine leading researchers drawn from the international research community, whose interests span SIRE programme themes. The membership of the IAB comprises:
Organisation: (Stood down recently) |
Organisation: Harvard
Organisation: Pennsylvania
Organisation: Berkeley
Organisation: Harvard
Please note that Narayana Kocherlakota stood down recently when becoming President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.