UPDATE: 13 January 2016: Please note this fund is now closed.
The SIRE Executive is pleased to announce its continued support for the SIRE Conference Presenter Grant. This grant is intended to financially support academic economists who are based in Scotland and wish to present their paper at conferences in the UK and beyond.
Applicants should note that due to the success of this initiative in 2011, a cap has been introduced to generate maximum benefit from the scheme. The level of financial support offered is as follows:
- For events outside Europe: £750
- For events within Europe (but outside the UK): £500
- For events within the UK: £350
The financial support is available to academics who have been accepted to present a paper at any of the following conferences:
- Econometric Society (European meeting and World Congress)
- European Economic Association (EEA)
- Annual meeting Royal Economic Society (RES)
- Annual conference American Economic Association (AEA)
- ASSA conference
Accepted papers at conferences that are not listed above may still be considered for funding, at the discretion of the SIRE Programme Directors and based on evaluation by the SIRE Executive.
SIRE will make two levels of financial support available, with the criteria as follows:
- For PhD students and junior staff (Lecturer) eligible expenses include the registration fee, travel and/or accommodation costs, provided an original receipt(s) is submitted.
- For senior staff (Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor) the contribution will cover the registration fee only.
- Any shortfall of additional expenses is to be funded via an external grant or via the university economics department.
All applications must be made before attending the conference.
Applicants should send an e-mail to info@sire.ac.uk, with a copy of the conference acceptance (email or pdf). In addition, an estimate of expense should be itemised as follows
- Conference registration fee (including any discount deadlines if applicable)
- Travel expenses (flight or rail)
- Accommodation expenses
Note that items 2 and 3 are applicable to PhD students and junior academics only
Following the e-mail application, a decision regarding the financial support will be made within 3 weeks.
Once a conference participation grant has been offered, the SIRE logo and acknowledgement of financial support are to be included in the presented paper and in any subsequent paper revisions.
Expenses are reimbursed after the conference, based on submitting all original receipts or alternatively through an itemised invoice by the presenter’s university Finance Department.
It is worth noting that the presented paper may feed into the SIRE Discussion Paper series.
A copy of this announcement is available to download