SIRE Focus Papers

This new series is intended to provide a digest of recent and ongoing research activities and outputs, and foster the wider dissemination of the wealth of research taking place throughout SIRE.


2011-Focus Paper-1

The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion

Michael G. Arghyrou (Cardiff Business School),
Alexandros Kontonikas
(University of Glasgow Business School)

2011-Focus Paper-2

Eye Care Service in Scotland: Did the Scots Get it Right?

Dr Alexandros Zangelidis (University of Aberdeen)

2011-Focus Paper-3

The names in Spain are mainly not in vain: Intergenerational mobility and the informational content of surnames

Maia Güell, José V. Rodríguez Mora and Chris Telmer
(University of Edinburgh)


2009-Focus Paper-01

Money and Liquidity

John Hardman Moore (University of Edinburgh)

2009-Focus Paper-02

The economics of power and control; Contractual Incompleteness; Hierarchies

John Hardman Moore (University of Edinburgh)

2009-Focus Paper-03

Cohort effects within firms, and their implications for labour market outcomes and the business cycle

Jonathan P Thomas, PI, (University of Edinburgh)

2009-Focus Paper-04

It’s Not About the Work Ethic
(written by Alana Conner, Stanford Social Innovation Review)

Sascha O. Becker, Lead Author, (University of Stirling)

2009-Focus Paper-05

Development of tools to measure and explain changes in health inequalities in Scotland and benchmark performance

Paul Allanson, PI, (University of Dundee)

2009-Focus Paper-06

Policy Shocks and Contract Renegotiation: Who Gets Raked Over the Coals?

Dr. Ian Lange, Lead Author, (University of Stirling)

2009-Focus Paper-07

Volatility of Housing

Dr. Olga Gorbachev (University of Edinburgh)

If you wish to contribute, please contact Gina Reddie, SIRE administrator, with any information or suggestions you may have.