PhD Workshop Series:

Programme for 2010-11

Advanced Quantitative Methods in Economics & Finance

Thursday 4 November 2010

Friday 5 November 2010

Professor Karim Abadir is Professor of Financial Econometrics at the Imperial College Business School. He has previously been based at the University of York, where he was Professor of Econometrics and Statistics as well as Head of the Statistics Group. Prior to that, he held positions at the University of Exeter, the American University in Cairo and at Lincoln College, University of Oxford. Professor Abadir is currently researching mathematical statistics and theoretical econometrics, including distribution theory, time series and nonlinear models (including semi/non-parametrics). He is also researching macroeconomics, financial markets and econometrics where he is focussing on modelling methodologies. In addition he is conducting research in applied mathematics in relation to special functions and applied analysis.

Gabriel Talmain is Daniel Jack Chair of Political Economy and Director of the Centre for Economic and Financial Studies at the University of Glasgow. He previously held positions at the Universities of York and the State University of New York at Albany (USA), and visiting positions at the European Central Bank, Nuffield College, the Banco de Portugal, the University of British Columbia (Canada), the New Economic School (Russia), the Universidad Nova de Lisboã (Portugal) and Columbia Business School (USA). Professor Talmain’s current work is about developing new methods that deal effectively with the problem of persistence and nonlinear dynamics in macroeconomics; investigating the phenomenon that is responsible for generating this nonlinear dynamics; analysing the economic policy issues and implications of this dynamic, such as the persistence of monetary policy and of inflation; and extending the analysis to the financial market (to explain the dynamics of the stock market), labour market (to understand the persistence of unemployment) and other areas of economics.

Professors Abadir (Imperial College) and Gabriel Talmain (University of Glasgow): New Time Series Methods for Macroeconomic Dynamics

Download presentation 1

Download presentation 2

Download presentation 3

Gabriel Talmain: podcast part 1

Gabriel Talmain: podcast part 2



12 November 2010

Since 1999, Professor Cars Hommes is Professor of Economic Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam. In 1998 he obtained a prestigious Pionier-grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) to start the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF). Cars Hommes’ research includes nonlinear dynamics, evolutionary dynamics, behavioral economics and finance, expectations and learning, bounded rationality and experimental economics. He is particularly well known from his influential work with William Brock (University of Wisconsin, USA), developing a theory of heterogeneous expectations and its applications in economics and finance. The CeNDEF group has contributed particularly to empirical and experimental testing of the heterogeneous expectations hypothesis. Since 2002, Cars Hommes is one of the editors of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and is on the editorial boards of Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Computational Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. He has published in journals such as Econometrica, Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Mathematical Economics and written recent reviews on heterogeneous expectations models in the Handbook of Computational Economics. Agent-based Computational Economics and the Handbook of Financial Markets. Dynamics and Evolution.

Prof. Hommes (University of Amsterdam)

Topics in Nonlinear Economic Dynamics

Bounded Rationality, Heterogeneous Expectations and Complex Adaptive Systems

Download presentation 1

Download presentation 2

Download presentation 3

Podcast part 1

Podcast part 2

Podcast part 3

Podcast part 4



20 January 2011

Professor Paola Manzini obtained her PhD in 1997 for her dissertation on "Game Theoretic Models of Wage Bargaining". She is currently Professor of Economics at the University of St. Andrews, which she joined in 2009. Before then, she was a Professor at Queen Mary, University of London, which she joined in 1997, after spending a year as a lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Exeter. She has worked extensively in the area of bargaining theory and its applications, which include labour economics (wage bargaining), with a special interest in the impact of negotiation protocols and institutions on the bargaining outcome. Current research interests include modelling individual choice when agents may be boundedly rational. Her publication record includes the American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of European Economic Association and the Economic Journal.

Professor Marco Mariotti studied at the University of Bologna, Italy (laurea in Economics) and at the University of Cambridge (MPhil, PhD in Economics). He is currently a Professor of Economics at the University of St Andrews, which he joined in 2009. He previously held positions at Queen Mary University of London, Royal Holloway University of London, the University of Manchester and the University of East Anglia. His present research deals with bounded rationality, choice and decision theory, axiomatic methods in individual and collective choice, bargaining theory and game theory.

Professors Manzini and Mariotti (University of St Andrews)

Introduction to choice theory and models of bounded rationality

Download abstract

notes 1

notes 2

Professor Paola Manzini: Podcast part 1

Professor Paola Manzini: Podcast part 2

Professor Marco Mariotti: Podcast part 1

Professor Marco Mariotti: Podcast part 2



11 February 2011

Professor Seppo Honkapohja has been a Member of the Board of the Bank of Finland Since 1 January 2008, with responsibility for research, information technology and Bank of Finland's own investments. Dr Honkapohja joined the Bank of Finland from the academic world. He was Professor of International Macroeconomics at the University of Cambridge in 2004-2007. His prior career included work with the Academy of Finland, University of Helsinki and Turku School of Economics and Business Administration

Professor Honkapohja (Bank of Finland)

Topics in Macroeconomics: Learning Dynamics

Lecture 1

lecture 2


Podcast part 1

Podcast part 2

Podcast part 3

Podcast part 4



18 March 2011

Rabah Amir is Eller Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona. His present research deals with theoretical and applied aspects of oligopoly behaviour, innovation and market structure, the theory and application of dynamic games in economics, some methodological aspects of supermodularity and economic complementarity, and various topics in Industrial Organization (mergers, network externalities, industry dynamics and vertical relations).

Professor Amir: (University of Arizona)

Topics in Microeconomics: Complementarity


notes, set 1

notes, set 2





22 March 2011

Eric Maskin is probably best known for his work on the theory of mechanism design, for which he shared the 2007 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.  He has made contributions to many other areas of economics as well, including game theory, social choice theory, and political economy.

Ph.D., Harvard University, 1976; Research Fellow, Jesus College, Cambridge University, 1976-77; Assistant to Full Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977-84; Professor, Harvard University, 1985-2000; Albert O. Hirschman Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, 2000-; Guggenheim Fellow, 1980-81; Sloan Research Fellow, 1983-85; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Econometric Society, European Economic Association, Royal Academy of Economics and Finance (Spain); Honorary Fellow, Jesus and St. John’s Colleges, Cambridge; Corresponding Fellow, British Academy; President, Econometric Society, 2003; President, Game Theory Society, 2010-12; Member, National Academy of Science; Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, 2007; Kempe Award 2007; Centennial Medal, Harvard University, 2010.

Professor Maskin (Institute for Advanced Study)

Market Design Mechanism

St Andrews.ppt

How Should Presidents Be Elected v2 (Harvard).ppt

References for How Should Presidents Be Elected.pdf

References for Mechanism Design.pdf

Podcast part 1

Podcast part 2

Podcast part 3

Below: Eric Maskin, seated 4th from the left, with David Ulph (SIRE Director), seated 1st from the left and Laurence Lasselle, the course organiser, standing 2nd from the left as well as other members of the St Andrews University. In addition: John Moore, standing 2nd from the right (University of Edinburgh) and two pupils from two local secondary schools, Glenwood High (Rachel Miller, standing, 3rd from the right) and Buckhaven High (Kayleigh Radford, seated 3rd from the right).
